新关注 > 信息聚合 > DNF裂缝出货率比深渊高?直接毕业的宝地


DNF crack delivery rate is higher than the abyss? Graduation place directly

2017-02-18 00:09:17来源: 新浪

在如今深渊票价居高不下的情况下,很多玩家都会选择去刷魔界裂缝,而且相对来说出货率比较高,一起看看玩家们的毕业截图吧! 更新90级之后,除了深渊,DNF中还有1个魔界裂缝副本,同样可以掉落史诗装备,入场券也不是深渊票,只要在日常刷图过程中收集时空石即可。在魔界裂缝毕业的玩家可是真不少。...

In the deep under the condition of high ticket prices, now a lot of players will choose to brush ma cracks, and relatively delivery rate is higher, together to look at a map section graduation players. Update after the class of 90, in addition to the deep, and 1 copy ma cracks in the DNF, also can drop epic items, ticket is not deep, as long as the collecting time and space in the process of daily brush figure stone. Cracks in the underworld player but really a lot of graduation. ...

标签: DNF