新关注 > 信息聚合 > 宁财神:文化产品经理的二次元产品观


Ning Caishen: let the domestic TV drama practitioners culture product manager two dimensional product view

2013-10-20 08:24:47来源: 新浪

《纸牌屋》的成功让国内电视剧从业者看到了用大数据来做一部剧的无限可能性。但在一个碎片化的时代,从定义寻找用户,到积累、分析相关的大批量数据,殊为不易。宁财神是怎么做的? 宁财神的支付宝账单可能包含以下物品:日本的大波美少女手办,美国的二比一钢铁侠模型,雪茄和紫砂壶,蜜蜡与菩提根,还有...

"house of cards" success to see the unlimited possibility of using data to do a drama. But in a fragmentized times, looking for the user from the definition, to accumulate, analysis of large quantities of data, is not easy. How did Ning Caishen do? Ning Caishen pays treasure bills may contain the following items: the Japanese energy-saving of hand, USA two iron man than a model, cigars and purple sand pot, beeswax and Bodhi root, and...