新关注 > 信息聚合 > 李亚鹏三亚游玩三天 与神秘女挽手搂腰显亲密

李亚鹏三亚游玩三天 与神秘女挽手搂腰显亲密

Li Yapeng spent three days in Sanya playing with the mysterious woman's arm.

2017-04-20 22:14:07来源: 新浪

4月20日,某娱乐博主曝出李亚鹏在三亚度假的视频。视频中,李亚鹏开游艇,旁边美女作陪,还与他挽手搂腰,格外亲密,引来网友纷纷艳羡:“黄金单身汉的幸福生活。” 第一日,李亚鹏在酒店休息一会儿便出门...

In April 20th, an entertainment blogger revealed a video of Li Yapeng's vacation in Sanya. In the video, Li Yapeng opened a yacht, accompanied by a beautiful woman, and he also held his arm around his waist, especially close, attracting the netizens to envy: "the happy life of the golden bachelor." On the first day, Li Yapeng went out after a rest in the hotel.