新关注 > 信息聚合 > 日本游戏一周销量:《仁王》7.5万份位居第2


Games a week sales of Japan: "ren king" 2nd 75000

2017-02-17 15:05:23来源: 新浪

Media Create公布了日本市场一周销售数据,其中发售后媒体和玩家口碑都极好的《仁王》在本土的首周表现不俗,共售出了75477份。 销售榜上表现抢眼的全部都是新发售的游戏,第一的位置则被同样是于上周(2月9日)发售的3DS游戏《勇者斗恶龙怪兽篇Joker 3:专家版(Drago...

Media Create announced the Japanese market sales data, a week of Media and the players here are excellent after sale "benevolence king" at home the first week of hit, sold a total of 75477 copies. Sales charts for performing the new launch of the game, all of them are the location of the first, is the same as last week (9 February) issued 3 ds game "brave DouELong monster Joker article 3: experts version (Drago...

标签: 游戏