新关注 > 信息聚合 > 广州:“触手可及”艺术展描绘电信网络智能化


Guangzhou: "within reach" art depicting the telecom network intellectualization

2017-01-05 00:50:53来源: 大众网

广州:“触手可及”艺术展描绘电信网络智能化 央广网广州1月4日消息(记者周羽)1月4日,中国电信广东公司与广东时代美术馆联合举办的“触手可及”当代艺术展在广州万菱汇开幕。通过“世界触手可及”的主题...

Guangzhou: "within reach" art depicting the telecom network intellectualization Epicenter wide network in guangzhou on January 4, news (reporter Zhou Yu) on January 4, China telecom guangdong company, jointly organized with guangdong era art "and" contemporary art exhibition in guangzhou Wan Ling remit the opening. Through the theme of "the world within reach"...