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杨幂范冰冰李小璐 明星一整容就走红/图

Yang Mi Fan Bingbing Li Xiaolu Star plastic surgery "/ map

2014-06-09 13:02:02来源: 山东新闻网

陈学冬 郭敬明小说《小时代》的电影真是带动了一批俊男美女在娱乐圈的红极一时,剧中饰演周崇光的演员陈学冬从一个无名小卒突然变身众多女孩的男神,不多不说,这跟整容真的有很大的关系!

Chen Xuedong Guo Jingming's novel" small time "movie really led a group of boys and girls in popular entertainment, the actor who plays Zhou Chongguang Chen Xuedong from a a cipher suddenly turned many girls' God, not to say the least, with the you have a great relationship!