新关注 > 信息聚合 > 唐嫣霍建华再曝恋情 两人昔日合照见暧昧端倪/图

唐嫣霍建华再曝恋情 两人昔日合照见暧昧端倪/图

Tang Yan Wallace Huo again exposed the love two people see the former photo ambiguous clue / map

2014-05-22 09:52:08来源: 山东新闻网


Tang Yan Wallace Huo relationship are suspected to be friends Yang Mi exposure. Tang Yan Wallace Huo from Legend of Sword and Fairy cooperation "3" since the scandal. With Tang Yan and Roy Chiu Tse's former boyfriend broke up and Tang Yan Wallace Huo "Golden fate God bestows." cooperation, Wallace Huo Tang Yan love was once again surfaced, more recently photographed Tang Yan...