新关注 > 信息聚合 > 移淘商城“查封门”续:或将重新开张


Move Amoy Mall "seal the door" continued: or to reopen

2013-10-12 11:34:06来源: 亿邦动力网

【亿邦动力网讯】10月12日消息,近日传出已被公安机关查封的移动电商移淘商城日前有了新动静。电商资深人士龚文祥在微博中透露,移淘商城或将在近两日内重新开张。 移淘商城移动客户端截图 根据龚文祥提供的疑似移淘商城内部人员爆料信息,移淘商城在国庆节期间对商城产品进行了全面质检,对问题产品...

[billion state power Reuters October 12 news, recently came public security organs have been seized mobile providers have recently moved scouring Mall The new movement. Electricity providers in the micro-Bo Gong Wenxiang veteran revealed, transfer or re-opened Taobao Mall within two days. Taobao Mall shift shift mobile client screenshots provided in accordance with suspected Gong Wenxiang internal staff broke the news information Amoy Mall, Taobao Mall shift during the National Day on the Mall a comprehensive quality product for the products in question ...