新关注 > 信息聚合 > 明星整容前后照片 张歆艺杨幂大换脸【图】

明星整容前后照片 张歆艺杨幂大换脸【图】

Star plastic surgery before and after photographs of Xinyi Zhang Yang Mi - [figure] face

2014-05-08 15:36:07来源: 山东新闻网

周蕙整形大变脸 周蕙 根据台湾媒体报道,台湾歌手周蕙10月11日将推出新专辑《我看见的世界》,两年没发片,外型变化很大。近日,她的宣传照在网络上流传,长相“进步”到被网友直呼“太夸张了”、“...

Zhou Hui shaping Zhou Hui according to Taiwan media reports, Taiwan singer Zhou Hui in October 11th will release a new album "I saw the world", two years without hair piece, appearance changes greatly. Recently, the spread of her as propaganda on the Internet, the appearance of "progress" to be net friend call "too exaggerated","...