新关注 > 信息聚合 > 可惜!《GTA5:荒野大镖客》MOD确认已被官方封禁


It is a pity! "GTA5: dead wilderness" MOD confirmation has been officially banned

2017-04-26 04:09:52来源: 新浪

在之前的报道中,我们已经为大家展示了之前由国外民间MOD小组White Team制作的《GTA5:荒野大镖客MOD》首部预告,但同时我们也在相关的报道中,提到这部预告在放出后不久就被神秘删除。我们也猜测,相关MOD的制作可能收到了R星或是游戏发行商Take—Two的禁令。 果不其然,...

In previous reports, we have to show you before by the foreign folk MOD Team White Team made the GTA5: dead wild MOD "first forecast, but at the same time we also in the relevant report, said the forecast in mysteriously removed shortly after release. We also speculated that the production of related MOD may receive the R star or game publishers Take - Two of the ban. Sure enough,...