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袁姗姗姚笛张歆艺 花旦女星打酱油的青葱岁月

Yuan Shanshan Yao Di Zhang Xin Yi Hua Dan actress soy sauce shallots years

2014-04-11 23:59:37来源: 大众网

且看袁姗姗、石天琦、姚笛、刘雨欣、张歆艺、张俪这些新晋美女明星们过往打酱油的青葱岁月。张歆艺 估计很多人都未留意《武林外传》第一集里出场的郭芙蓉的丫鬟——雌雄双煞里的小青,就是后来出演了《北京爱情故...

Look at Yuan Shanshan, Shi Tianqi, Yao flute, Liu Yuxin, Zhang Xin Yi, Zhang Li these budding beautiful stars in the past dozen years shallots sauce. Zhang Xin Yi is estimated that many people fail to pay attention to the "Wulin" Guo Furong played the first episode maidservants - male and female Shuangsha in the Xiaoqing, is later starred in "Beijing love it ...