新关注 > 信息聚合 > 粤中北部明间起开启阴冷模式 气温或降4℃

粤中北部明间起开启阴冷模式 气温或降4℃

Guangdong north-central/open up cold model the temperature or drop 4 ℃

2017-01-10 00:04:30来源: 金羊网

金羊网讯 记者张爱丽报道:广东中北部市县将开启阴雨模式,有需要洗晒衣被的居民要抓紧时间了。省气象台预计,10日全省多云为主,早晨有轻雾,气温小幅上升。10日夜间到15日,受持续补充入粤冷空气影响,我...

Golden sheep eye net news reporter ai-li zhang reported: guangdong north-central rainy patterns of cities and counties to open have need washing the peripheral residents to hurry up. Provincial meteorological station is expected, in the province of 10 cloudy, the morning mist, the temperature rose slightly. 10 to 15 night, influenced by replenishing into guangdong cold air, I...