新关注 > 信息聚合 > 台湾资深玉女银霞近照曝光 气质清纯身形纤瘦

台湾资深玉女银霞近照曝光 气质清纯身形纤瘦

Taiwan Senior Lady Yinxia exposure photograph pure temperament slender physique

2013-08-22 08:21:10来源: 中国新闻网

中新网8月22日电 据台湾东森电视台网站报道,台湾资深玉女银霞在上世纪七八十年代红遍大街小巷,地位相当于现在的宅男女神,之后靠《兰花草》一曲将歌唱事业推向巅峰;息影24年后,为回应歌迷的声声呼唤还打算再开金嗓复出,没想到却在近日被偷拍,见到自己的近照曝光后,她竟难过到哭了一早上,自嘲现在...

BEIJING, Aug. 22, according to Taiwan's Eastern Television website reported that senior Taiwanese teen idol Xia Bank in the seventies and eighties of last century popular street alley, a status equivalent to house men and women of God now, after relying on "orchids" a singing career to the pinnacle; break of 24 years, in response to the cries of fans also intend to re-open the golden voice back, but did not expect the recently being photographed, to see his photograph after exposure, she was sad to cry one morning, self-deprecating now ...