新关注 > 信息聚合 > 史玉柱忆母校求学峥嵘岁月 捐款5000万助浙大建新楼

史玉柱忆母校求学峥嵘岁月 捐款5000万助浙大建新楼

Shi yuzhu have school Alma mater eventful days a donation of 50 million to zhejiang university to build a new building

2017-05-22 00:00:00来源: 人民网

活动现场。 中新网杭州5月20日电 (谢盼盼 王题题)“海阔心无界,山高人为峰,浙江大学所取得的成绩凝聚了浙大校友和师生的共同努力,也离不开校友的支持、鼓励和鞭策。”浙江大学党委书记、教育基金会理事长金德水如此表示。5月20日,在浙江大学(以下简称“浙大”)紫金港校区校友活动中心,巨人集团董事长、浙大校友史玉柱代表巨人集团向浙江大学教育基金会捐款人民币5000万元,以支持浙大数学科学学院的新大楼建设。 在捐赠仪式上,金德水与史玉柱代表双方签署捐赠协议,巨人集团向浙江大学教育基金会捐款人民币5000万元。同时,金德水代表学校接受捐赠,并向史玉柱颁发捐赠证书和铭牌。此次的捐款主要用于浙大...

The scene of the event. Beijing, hangzhou, May 20 (xinhua xie long king problem) "limitless sea broad heart, people are the peak of the high mountain, achievements condensed the zhejiang university, zhejiang university alumni and the joint efforts of teachers and students, also can't depart from the support of alumni, to encourage and spur." Party secretary of zhejiang university, education foundation of Jin Deshui said. On May 20th, (hereinafter referred to as the "zhejiang university") in zhejiang university zijingang campus alumni activities center, giant group chairman to zhejiang university, zhejiang university alumni shi yuzhu on behalf of the giant group education foundation donation of RMB 50 million, to support the construction of zhejiang university school of mathematical sciences new building. At the donation ceremony, Jin Deshui and shi yuzhu on behalf of the donation agreement has been signed by both parties, the giant group to zhejiang university education foundation donation of RMB 50 million yuan. At the same time, Jin Deshui representative schools accept donations, and to the shi yuzhu donation certificate and nameplate. The contribution is mainly used for zhejiang university...