新关注 > 信息聚合 > 曝莱昂纳德锁定奥运席位 七大巨星已提前入选

曝莱昂纳德锁定奥运席位 七大巨星已提前入选

Leonard locking the Olympic exposure Seven star has been selected in advance

2016-06-21 07:53:51来源: 华体网

6月21日 据ESPN的马克-斯特恩报道,在勒布朗-詹姆斯倾向于退出美国男篮的同时,马刺新核心科怀-莱昂纳德已锁定一个奥运席位。目前已经有7名球员锁定奥运席位,包括凯文-杜兰特、保罗-乔治和凯里...

On June 21, according to ESPN's mark - stern in lebron James tend to drop out of the U.S. men's basketball team at the same time, the SAN Antonio spurs new core families conceive - Leonard has targeted a seat of the Olympic Games. There are seven players lock Olympic seats, including Kevin durant, Paul, George and Carey...