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平安带伤录制节目 昔日运动员晒结实身材

Injured former athletes safe sun strong record programs stature

2014-04-02 15:24:07来源: 大众网

《不朽之名曲》刚刚收官,歌手平安又马不停蹄的赶赴南京,录制江苏卫视某档体育健身类综艺节目。平安坚持带伤完成全部项目,且运动量颇大,不免再次扯动伤处造成二次伤害,令粉丝心疼之余也更加敬服平安。 平安...

"immortal song" just ending, singer and immediately rushed to Nanjing Ping, recording a file Jiangsu TV variety show physical fitness classes. Injured complete all projects adhere to peace, and a considerable amount of exercise can not help pulling cause secondary damage to the wound again, so fans are more distressed than admire peace. Peace ...