新关注 > 信息聚合 > 调整儿科收费浙江已在调研 今后带孩子看病可能要..

调整儿科收费浙江已在调研 今后带孩子看病可能要..

Adjustment of pediatrics in zhejiang has been research Take children to see a doctor in future may be..

2016-02-02 07:27:17来源: 杭州网

谁来给我们的孩子看病?二孩政策催生“儿科医生荒” 二孩政策出台后,对儿童数量增长的预判,催化了儿童就医难问题,“儿科医生荒”在“两会”医卫界委员、代表中讨论得相当火热。 农工党界别的委员朱彩凤特...

Who is going to give our children a doctor? Two child policy has two child policy of "shortage of pediatricians", for children's growth, catalytic the children go to a doctor difficult problem, "pediatricians shortage" in the "two sessions" YiWeiJie members, on behalf of the discussion quite hot. Vice-chairman constituency of cai-feng zhu te...