新关注 > 信息聚合 > “疯狂周三”震撼来袭 投资者应如何应对?

“疯狂周三”震撼来袭 投资者应如何应对?

How does "crazy Wednesday" shock incoming investors?

2017-03-14 10:33:38来源: 新浪

FX168财经报社(香港)讯 BK Asset Management董事总经理Kathy Lien周一(3月13日)撰文指出,我们将接近一季度尾声,但本周将是最重磅的一周之一。 市场广泛预计美联...

FX168 financial newspaper (Hongkong) news (Hongkong) news BK Asset Management managing director, Kathy Lien, wrote on Monday (March 13th) that we are approaching the end of the first quarter, but this week will be one of the heaviest weeks. The market is widely predicted by the United States.