新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2014中国互联网金融发展圆桌会议今日在京举行


2014 China Internet financial development Roundtable held

2014-08-03 15:18:15来源: 新浪

会议现场。新华社 记者 王吉如 摄 新华网北京8月2日电“2014中国互联网金融发展圆桌会议”8月2日在北京国家会议中心举行。新华社副社长慎海雄、国家互联网信息办公室副主任彭波、工信部电信管理局...

meeting today in beijing. Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Jiru perturbation xinhuanet.com Beijing 2 August, "2014 Chinese Internet Financial Development Round Table Conference" was held in August 2nd in the National Conference Center of Beijing. Telecommunications Administration Bureau, vice president of Xinhua news agency, Shen Haixiong, deputy director of the state Internet Information Office Peng Bo, the letter...

标签: 互联网金融