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外观简约时尚 三星Galaxy S7港版热销中

Appearance of simple fashion The samsung Galaxy S7 hk sell like hot cakes

2017-01-26 06:44:26来源: 中关村在线

(中关村在线 手机频道行情报道)三星GALAXY S7(G9308/双4G)(港版 双卡双4G 雪晶白 32GB 移动4G/联通4G)在“鱿鱼商城”热卖,该机售价为3559元。三星Galaxy S7...

Channel (zhongguancun online mobile phone market report) samsung GALAXY S7 (G9308 / double 4 g) snow crystals (hk double card double 4 g 4 g white 32 gb mobile/unicom 4 g) in the "squid" mall selling, the machine sells for 3559 yuan. The samsung Galaxy S7...

标签: 三星