新关注 > 信息聚合 > 艳星悲惨结局:白小曼19岁自杀 余莎莉烂手烂脚

艳星悲惨结局:白小曼19岁自杀 余莎莉烂手烂脚

Star tragic ending: white Xiaoman 19 years Dutch act Yu Shali rotten hand rotten feet

2014-07-31 07:30:36来源: 光明网

白小曼(资料图) 南方都市报3月13日报道 艳星里的结局最为惨烈的莫过于白小曼。白小曼是中美混血儿,长得极漂亮,全身莹白如雪,每一出现光芒必摄住全场,她和妈妈去半岛酒店喝了个下午茶,就让李翰祥惊为...

white Xiaoman (information) the most tragic than white Xiaoman as the Southern Metropolis Daily reported in March 13th has in the end. Bai Xiaoman is Chinese American, looks very beautiful, the whole body white as snow, every light will grab the audience, she and her mother went to the The Peninsula Hotel to drink tea, let Han Hsiang Li surprised to...