新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中国第一黄金比例美女艾尚真曝照 火辣三围曝光

中国第一黄金比例美女艾尚真曝照 火辣三围曝光

The golden ratio Chinese first beauty Ai Shangzhen exposed hot exposure measurements

2014-05-30 15:15:08来源: 山东新闻网

中国第一黄金比例美女艾尚真曝照 火辣三围曝光 T台和演艺舞台上的她魅力出众,光芒四射,这位才貌两全在国际舞台上闪耀的新星,近期将在各大电视媒体展示她最时尚的美丽身影。

Chinese first golden proportion beauty Ai Shangzhen exposed hot measurements exposure T stage and performing on the stage of her charm, radiant, the Caimaoliangquan in the international arena shining star, will show the beautiful scene of her most fashion in each big television media the recent.