新关注 > 信息聚合 > 刘恺威林峰蔡少芬杨怡 TVB明星在内地挣了多少钱

刘恺威林峰蔡少芬杨怡 TVB明星在内地挣了多少钱

Hawick Lau Raymond Lam Ada Choi Tavia Yeung TVB star in the mainland to earn much money

2014-05-13 13:21:05来源: 山东新闻网

刘恺威林峰蔡少芬 TVB明星在内地挣了多少钱 蔡少芬《甄嬛传》 电视剧《金玉满堂》正在浙江卫视热播,这部剧的女一号胡杏儿就是TVB当家花旦。这几年TVB艺人来内地拍戏已经成为风潮,一起看看都有...

Hawick Lau Raymond Lam Ada Choi TVB star in the mainland earned Ada Choi "The Legend of Zhen Huan" TV series "jinyumantang" in Zhejiang satellite TV, the drama of this female Myolie Wu's TVB headed huadan. In recent years the TVB artist gets to the mainland has become a trend, together have a look have...