新关注 > 信息聚合 > 马加特致意王永珀:为鲁能付出多年,值得我们尊重


Felix magath greeted Mrs Wang: pay for luneng for many years, is worth our respect

2017-02-10 02:48:44来源: 华体网

足球2月9日讯 山东鲁能俱乐部周三宣布,队中功勋老将王永珀离队加盟天津权健。今日,鲁能主帅马加特在推特上感谢王永珀为鲁能做出的贡献,并祝愿他在未来的职业生涯一切顺利。 “我想为王永珀送上祝福,希望他杰出职业生涯的下一站一切顺利。多年以来,他为山东鲁能尽心尽力,真的值得我们所有人给予最大...

Football on February 9 Shandong luneng club announced on Wednesday that veteran Mrs Wang leave to join in the team tianjin QuanJian. Today, luneng coach felix magath on twitter to thank Mrs Wang to luneng's contribution, and wish him every success in the future career. "I want to Mrs Wang to send blessings, hope his distinguished career next stop everything goes well. Over the years, he realize the shandong luneng, really worth all of us to give the biggest...