新关注 > 信息聚合 > 禅师暗讽安东尼或另有所图 逼其放弃霸王条款

禅师暗讽安东尼或另有所图 逼其放弃霸王条款

Jackson innuendo Anthony figure or the other Forced to abandon its overlord terms

2017-02-09 13:46:58来源: 华体网

2月9日 (文/Ian Begley ESPN撰稿人) 尼克斯再一次陷入闹剧当中,球队总裁“禅师”杰克逊在个人推特上暗讽安东尼本性难改。事实上,这并不是禅师第一次公开批评安东尼,他这么做,可能是故...

On February 9 (text/Ian Begley ESPN writers) of the knicks again into a farce, "zen master" Jackson team President in personal twitter innuendo Anthony cannot change nature. In fact, it's not Jackson first public criticism of Anthony, him to do so, may be the reason...