新关注 > 信息聚合 > 特评:上港已尽力 记住对手的嘲笑来日再复仇

特评:上港已尽力 记住对手的嘲笑来日再复仇

Review: the port has been trying to remember your opponent's revenge laugh at another day

2017-02-09 13:46:58来源: 华体网

上港交学费 撰文:三儿 韩国人的嚣张,看着特别憋屈!——上港的梦醒了,一场惨败给这次亚冠初体验画上了句号。 这次与全北现代的比赛,可以说上港本赛季难度最大的一次比赛。对手是“韩国恒大”,在K联...

The port to pay tuition Writing: three son South koreans arrogant, look at special humbled! - on the port of waking up, a defeat for the afc champions ended early experience. This time with the north of the modern game, it can be said that the difficulty is one of the biggest games this season. "Han Guoheng big", in K al...