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KP new pentax SLR camera parameters and appearance figure full exposure

2017-01-25 14:31:59来源: IT168

【IT168 资讯】关于宾得KP单反相机的消息越来越多,最近我们又得到了一些确切的消息。新机采用的是一块2433万像素APS-C画幅传感器,内置五轴机身防抖和27点自动对焦系统,并可提供7fps高速...

【 】 IT168 information more and more news about KP SLR camera pentax, recently we got some news for sure. New USES of APS - C format is a 24.33 million pixel sensor, built-in five-axis fuselage stabilization and 27 points autofocus system, and can provide 7 FPS high-speed...