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传f(x)Sulli挂急诊因遭性骚扰 SM欲追究

Biography f (x) Sulli emergency room because it was sexual harassment SM desire to pursue

2014-04-03 23:06:43来源: 青岛网络电视台

f(x)成员Sulli 新浪娱乐讯今日(4月3日),SM娱乐就旗下女子组合f(x)成员Sulli被恶意诽谤一事发表强硬立场,“将会对散布谣言者追究法律处分,具体相关信息还在收集中”。 Sul...

f (x) member Sulli LOS ANGELES today (April 3), SM Entertainment on its girl group f (x) member Sulli malicious hawkish stance regarding defamation, "will be on those who spread rumors to pursue legal action, specifically related to the collection of information still." Sul ...