新关注 > 信息聚合 > 超17万人报考湖北省公务员考试 399人抢一热门岗位

超17万人报考湖北省公务员考试 399人抢一热门岗位

More than 170000 people to enter oneself for an examination officeholder exam 399, hubei province to rob a popular jobs

2017-03-28 13:20:08来源: 湖北新闻网


Provincial exams is opening yesterday, this year our province to 7499 the number of civil service examination enroll new highs, 16 as of yesterday, the provincial registration number 175149 people, 27000 people, more than the same period last year approved number 145326 people, is also higher than the same period last year more than ten thousand people. Wuhan Qiao mouth line...