新关注 > 信息聚合 > 农户熏腌肉引发火灾 7万多现金被烧焦(图)

农户熏腌肉引发火灾 7万多现金被烧焦(图)

Farmers smoked bacon fire burned more than 70000 cash (FIG.)

2017-02-10 07:40:58来源: 新浪

四川在线消息(吴可嘉 记者 彭瑀珩)大年初六,2017年2月2日晚,宜宾市兴文县麒麟苗族乡光辉村一组的建档立卡贫困户何继林家本该欢度春节,没想到因为用柴火熏制腌肉而不幸引发火灾,自家房屋被烧毁,放在...

Sichuan online news (commendable reporter wu peng yu plover) annual people, on the evening of February 2, 2017, kirin miao wenxin county, yibin city township village by inputting a group of glory tent card how poor the lins' was supposed to celebrate the Spring Festival, I didn't think because use firewood smoked bacon and unfortunate fire, their home was burned down, put in...