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意甲-伊瓜因+曼朱破门 尤文客场2-0告捷领先7分

Serie A - Gonzalo Higuain + Meng Chu broke the door, Juventus away 2-0 win 7 points.

2017-02-10 02:48:44来源: 华体网

北京时间2月9日1时(意大利当地时间8日18时),意甲进行第18轮1场补赛,尤文图斯客场2比0轻取克罗托内,将领先优势扩大到7分。曼朱基奇打破僵局,伊瓜因连续4个意甲客场破门,替补出场的皮亚尼奇打中横梁。 迪巴拉首先外围左脚抽射被科尔达兹得到。此后他左路输送禁区,赫迪拉转身凌空勾射被...

Beijing time in February 9th 1 hours (Italy local time 8 18 hours), the Serie A eighteenth round 1 matches, the Juventus 2 to 0 Kroto Hei, to expand the lead to 7 points. Man Giulia Kikki broke the stalemate, Gonzalo Higuain scored 4 consecutive Serie A trips, and the substitute P Janic struck the crossbeam. Baala first outside the left foot volleys by Cordaz get. After that, he moved to the forbidden area on the left side of the road, and Khedira turned around.