新关注 > 信息聚合 > 火箭有意追求赛尔吉-伊巴卡?_NBA新闻


Rockets to the pursuit of self, barca - Iraq? _NBA news

2017-02-09 13:46:58来源: 华体网

体育2月9日讯 据火箭记者Calvin Watkins报道,火箭有意魔术前锋赛尔吉-伊巴卡。 根据此前的报道,魔术正在积极兜售伊巴卡,希望能够在交易截止日之前将他送走。 伊巴卡和哈登曾在雷霆做过...

Sports on February 9 According to the rockets reporter Calvin Watkins, the rockets to magic forward self - barca in Iraq. According to previous reports, the magic are actively selling the barca, hope to be able to walk in to send him before the trade deadline. The barca and harden had worked in the thunder...