新关注 > 信息聚合 > 电锯勾住了衣服 大伯经历“电锯惊魂”幸亏没伤动脉

电锯勾住了衣服 大伯经历“电锯惊魂”幸亏没伤动脉

Chainsaw hooked clothes uncle experience "saw" luckily he didn't hurt artery

2014-05-27 07:06:42来源: 浙江在线

浙江在线05月27日讯 (钱江晚报 记者 吴崇远)段师傅到现在都有点后怕,遭遇电锯惊魂的一刻。 昨天下午2点左右,市一医院急诊室送进来一个表情痛苦的男子,他的左腿上有条长长的伤口,满是血。 ...

Zhejiang online 05 month 27 days (Qianjiang Evening News reporter Wu Chongyuan) section of the master to now are a bit scared, encounter saw a moment. Yesterday around 2 pm, a hospital emergency room, brought in an expression of pain man, had a long wound on his left leg, full of blood. ...