新关注 > 信息聚合 > 七麦数据(原ASO100):苹果ASM新增六国语言 对应国家或在近期开放

七麦数据(原ASO100):苹果ASM新增六国语言 对应国家或在近期开放

7 m data (the original ASO100) : apple ASM new six languages correspond to countries or open in the near future

2018-03-13 00:00:00来源: 人民网

据七麦数据(原ASO100)了解,苹果竞价广告官网近期针对ASM业务做出了一些更新:新增德语、西班牙语、法语、意大利语、日语、韩语六国语言,并将语言栏显示由之前的国家(语言)调整至语言(国家)。 目前,苹果官方还未宣布关于ASM地区扩展的新闻,在创建竞价广告的页面也没有新增投放地区。但就苹果ASM全球扩展的经验来看,苹果可能在此次新增翻译版本后,会迅速开放这几个地区的竞价广告业务。 ASM全球扩张,进入中国指日可待 苹果官方竞价广告自2016年上线起,已经进行了2次地区扩张,目前已开放美国、英国、澳大利亚、新西兰、加拿大、墨西哥、瑞士7个国家。此次新增6国语言,也证明整个苹果ASM...

7 m data (the original ASO100) understand that apple for advertising website for ASM business made some recent update: new German, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, the six language and the language bar display by the national language (language) to adjust before (country). At present, apple has not yet announced the news about the ASM area expansion, the page is created for advertising also didn't put on the new area. But apple ASM global expansion of experience, apple may, after the new translation quickly open these areas for advertising business. ASM global expansion, to enter the Chinese corner apple official bid since launched in 2016, has been underway for two sub-regional economic expansion, is now open the United States, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico, Switzerland 7 countries. The new 6 languages, that the whole apple also ASM...

标签: 苹果