新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中国发现17.8万年前人类牙齿 早于走出非洲时间

中国发现17.8万年前人类牙齿 早于走出非洲时间

China discovered 178000 years ago human teeth Before the time of out of Africa

2016-07-17 01:43:08来源: 新浪

参考消息网7月17日报道 港媒称,三年前,在贵州省毕节的一个石灰岩溶洞内,由赵凌霞教授率领的一个课题组在把一个古老的地下河床的数米厚泥沙除掉之后,发现了三颗人类牙齿。 据香港《南华早报》网站7月...

Reference news network reported on July 17, Hong Kong media said three years ago, in a limestone cave in guizhou province bijie, a team led by professor Zhao Lingxia in a old away after several metres underground river silt, three human teeth were found. According to Hong Kong in July in the south China morning post website...