新关注 > 信息聚合 > 市场报告:巴西游戏行业2017年收入或达13亿美元


Market report: Brazil game industry 2017 revenue or up to $1 billion 300 million

2017-12-27 00:00:00来源: 人民网

据南美侨报网25日报道,著名游戏市场数据研究公司Newzoo公布了2017年全球游戏市场报告,预计巴西2017年游戏行业的年收入将达到13亿美元,排在全球第13位,预计今年全球游戏行业收入为1089亿美元。 据报道,正是由于看到了游戏行业的潜力,巴西出口与投资促进局同巴西游戏开发企业协会签署了合作协议,两家机构共同建立了“巴西游戏开发者”项目,目标是在国外推广巴西的游戏业。 2013年,巴西出口与投资促进局开始同游戏行业进行合作。数据显示,2015年巴西的游戏开发商获得了1100万美元的国际资金支持,2016年这一数字增长至1740万美元。 巴西出口与投资促进局项目主管玛丽安娜·戈麦斯...

According to the 25 South China Press Network reported that the famous game market data research firm Newzoo announced in 2017 the global game market report, 2017 is expected to Brazil game industry's annual revenue will reach $1 billion 300 million, ranked thirteenth in the world, is expected this year, the global game industry revenue of $108 billion 900 million. According to reports, it is because the game saw the potential of the industry, Brazil's export and investment promotion agency signed a cooperation agreement with the Brazil game development enterprise association, two agencies jointly established the "Brazil game developers" project aims to promote Brazil's gaming industry in foreign countries. In 2013, the Brazil export and Investment Promotion Agency began to cooperate with the game industry. The data showed that in 2015, game developers in Brazil received $11 million in international funding, and the number increased to $17 million 400 thousand in 2016. Project director Marianne Gomez of Brazil export and Investment Promotion Bureau...

标签: 游戏