新关注 > 信息聚合 > 港嫩模围浴巾与巨鸭合照走光惹众怒 黄秋生怒批

港嫩模围浴巾与巨鸭合照走光惹众怒 黄秋生怒批

Hong Kong young model photo enclosed bath with Ducks emptied provoke outrage Anthony Nupi

2013-05-03 02:23:15来源: 中国新闻网

中新网5月3日电 据香港《明报》消息,日前,香港市民期待已久的巨型吹气橡皮鸭(Rubber Duck)昨日在海港城正式揭幕,不少市民一早到场等候,嫩模组合冬甩成员Ar Yu(曾宝玲)在现场仅围浴巾性感拍照,在众目睽睽之下频走光,为鸭仔到港添上“污点”,其走光照片与鸭仔相一样在网上疯传。网...

BEIJING, May 3 (Xinhua) According to Hong Kong "Ming Pao" message a few days ago, the long-awaited Hong Kong giant inflatable rubber duck (Rubber Duck) yesterday officially opened in Harbor City, many people arrived early in the morning waiting, young model portfolio donut members Ar Yu (who Baoling) in only towels around the scene sexy pictures, under the watchful eyes frequently emptied, added to Hong Kong for the Duck "tainted "emptied their photos with Duck phase as online crazy pass. Net ...