新关注 > 信息聚合 > 皇马7000万欧再挖德赫亚 红魔无缘欧冠恐失门神

皇马7000万欧再挖德赫亚 红魔无缘欧冠恐失门神

Real Madrid 70 million dig DE gea red devils out of the champions league will lose goalkeeper

2017-02-08 14:52:54来源: 环球网

皇马的转会禁令被缩短后,今夏就能引援。西班牙电视台披露,他们将报价7000万欧元,再次挖角曼联门神德赫亚。 去年12月,体育仲裁法庭宣布皇马的转会禁令缩短,虽然这个冬窗被禁止引援,但时间更宽裕的...

After real Madrid's transfer ban is shorten, can signings this summer. Spanish television station, they will offer 70 million euros, poaching Manchester united goalkeeper DE gea again. Last December, sports arbitration court announced that real Madrid's transfer ban shortened, although the winter window banned signings, but more bounteous time...