新关注 > 信息聚合 > 告别官网苦抢 红米note有礼促销799元

告别官网苦抢 红米note有礼促销799元

Official website bitter farewell note to grab red rice and courteous sales 799 yuan

2014-04-22 03:03:32来源: IT168

【IT168 湖北行情】周二到了,又到了“米粉”大抢购的日子,还呆在电脑前狂刷鼠标?小编送福利啦,不用官网抢同样以原价799元购买红米note! 目前商家“乐购e站(全国货到付款)”小米系列手机疯狂...

[IT168 market] Tuesday to Hubei, went to the "rice" big rush days, but also stay in front of a computer mouse brush mad? Xiao Bian send welfare matter, not the official website to grab the original price 799 yuan to buy the same red rice note! Currently the business, "Tesco e Station (National Delivery)" series phone millet crazy ...