新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2016年度“接您回家”活动 阜阳摸排就业岗位308..

2016年度“接您回家”活动 阜阳摸排就业岗位308..

2016 "pick you home" activity Fuyang MoPai jobs 308..

2016-01-25 11:11:00来源: 中安在线

中安在线讯 据阜阳新闻网报道,在2016年度“接您回家”活动中,市人社系统摸排了就业岗位30851个,涉及生产制造、商业服务、餐饮住宿、纺织服装等十多个行业。其中,阜阳城区用工单位155家,提供就业...

Jung an online inquiry Fuyang news network reported, in the 2016 annual "pick you home" activities, the city club system MoPai 30851 jobs, involved in manufacturing, business services, catering accommodation, more than a dozen industry such as textile and clothing. Among them, the fuyang city project unit 155, provide employment...