新关注 > 信息聚合 > 全地形车锦标赛东营赛场 国际车手“争奇斗艳”

全地形车锦标赛东营赛场 国际车手“争奇斗艳”

All terrain vehicle international driver championship Dongying Games "flourish"

2013-07-13 12:36:56来源: 网易

2013中国全地形车锦标赛暨国际邀请赛,将于7月19日至21日正式开赛,作为由国家体育总局汽摩中心、中国汽车技术研究中心携手主办的中国ATV第一赛事,将有来自澳大利亚、荷兰、意大利、新西兰四国共8名顶级车手 “亮剑”东营广汽吉奥ATV赛场,与国内顶尖车手同场角逐。 2013“金鲁班”杯...

2013 China all terrain vehicle international invitational tournament and, will start from July 19th to 21, as by the State General Administration of sport Auto Center, China automotive technology and Research Center sponsored Chinese ATV first event, there will be from Australia, Holland, Italy, New Zealand the four countries, 8 top drivers "bright sword" Dongying Guangzhou GIO ATV field, with the domestic top driver with a race. The 2013 "golden Luban" cup...