新关注 > 信息聚合 > 母爱如山:7月大婴儿肝硬化 27岁妈妈割肝救子(图)

母爱如山:7月大婴儿肝硬化 27岁妈妈割肝救子(图)

Maternal: 7 month old baby 27-year-old mother cut liver cirrhosis to save the child (FIG.)

2017-01-01 08:23:21来源: 中国新闻网

看着一天天康复的孩子,妈妈脸上露出笑容 马上就满10个月的航航(化名),已经能稳稳坐住,可能是冬天穿得有些厚,还没有学会爬。一大堆玩具被航航冷落在旁,已经有些胖乎乎的小手最喜欢耍数据线,固执地一直想要把线头拽下来,让人忍俊不禁。 两个月前,27岁的妈妈王雅如(化名)把肝脏的一部分...

Looked at from day to day rehabilitation of children, mom smiles soon full 10 months of aerial navigation (not his real name), have been able to sit firm, may be in the winter wear a bit thick, also did not learn to crawl. A lot of toys are air traffic in, have some chubby little hand favorite play cable, stubbornly want to drag head down, let a person in stitches. Two months ago, the 27-year-old mother Wang Yaru (a pseudonym) part of the liver...