新关注 > 信息聚合 > G杯潘春春搏出位拍写真 性感全裸照爆光(组图)

G杯潘春春搏出位拍写真 性感全裸照爆光(组图)

G cup Pan Chunchun limelight photo shoot sexy nude photo exposure (Photos)

2013-07-22 15:38:44来源: 新华报业网

潘春春 昨日,微博认证加V认证为“飞乐音乐签约歌手、艺人”的G杯天后潘春春的爆乳女生曝出水钻遮三点的全裸写真,尺度和她的双峰一样大,引来许多网友围观热议。G杯天后潘春春马上获得了“钻石胸”的称号。 潘春春在她的微博“潘春春G”中,曝出一组水钻遮三点的全裸写真,并配文邀网友从中寻找...

Pan Chunchun yesterday, micro-blog authentication with V certification as a "Feilo music signed singer, entertainer" G cup days later Pan Chunchun discovered our girls Rhinestones cover three point scale and her naked, as Shuangfeng, attracted many onlookers hot. G cup days later Pan Chunchun received immediate "Diamond chest" title. Pan Chunchun in her micro-blog "Pan Chunchun G", exposed a group of stones covering the three points of the naked, and invited friends to find text...