新关注 > 信息聚合 > 周杰伦八块腹肌照曝光 网友:亮瞎眼

周杰伦八块腹肌照曝光 网友:亮瞎眼

Jay eight abdominal Shots friends: bright blind

2014-03-28 01:17:21来源: 中国青年网

网曝周杰伦腹肌照 腾讯娱乐讯 近日,有网友在微博曝光了一张周杰伦与余文乐的合影,照片中,周杰伦穿着红紫相间的演出服,上身露出惊人的八块腹肌,有网友看后不禁感叹:周董就是腹肌都不走寻常路!杰伦这形...

net exposure according to Jay abdominal LOS ANGELES Recently, some friends in the micro-Bo and Shawn Jay exposed a group photo, photo, Jay dressed in purple and white costumes, amazing upper body exposed eight pack abs, friends after watching sigh: Jay is the abdominal muscles do not take the unusual way! Jay this form ...