新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《半路父子》郑业成叛逆少年 与刘若英母子情深

《半路父子》郑业成叛逆少年 与刘若英母子情深

"Halfway son" Zheng industry into a rebellious teenager with Rene Mother Wife

2014-03-28 15:54:24来源: 华龙网

《半路父子》郑业成。 《半路父子》。 由张国立执导并主演的家庭伦理暖心大戏《半路父子》正在深圳热拍。该剧力邀刘若英、童蕾、王耀庆等实力重将加盟,新晋“猫系少年”郑业成青春加盟叛逆演绎,和张国立...

"halfway son" Zheng industry into. "Halfway son." Zhang Guoli, directed and starred in by the ethical heart-warming family drama "halfway son" is Shenzhen hot shot. The play inviting Rene Liu, Tong Lei, Wang Yaoqing such as strength weight will join budding "cat Department of Youth" Zheng industry to join the rebellious youth interpretation, and Zhang Guoli ...