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姚明今日启程飞赴休斯顿 见证魔兽空降助阵休城

Yao Ming today set off to fly to Houston witness Warcraft airborne back rests the city

2013-07-11 09:11:18来源: 网易

姚明将在今日正式启程飞往休斯顿,出席当地时间7月13日火箭俱乐部欢迎霍华德的新闻发布会。作为此次的说客兼火箭前队员,姚明将出席这次具有历史意义的活动。 网易体育7月11日报道: 北京时间7月11日,国航北京-休斯顿直飞航线首航仪式在首都机场T3航站楼举行,姚明作为重要贵宾参加了首航仪...

Yao Ming will today formally to fly to Houston, attended the local time on July 13th, the rocket club welcomes Howard's press conference. As a lobbyist and former Rockets player this, Yao Ming will attend the historic event. NetEase sports in July 11th reported: Beijing time on July 11th, Air China Beijing non-stop flights - Houston inaugural ceremony at the capital airport T3 terminal building was held, Yao Ming as an important guests attended the inaugural flight instrument...