新关注 > 信息聚合 > 富士康要部署更多机器人 已减少了数千员工

富士康要部署更多机器人 已减少了数千员工

Foxconn to deploy more robots have reduced the thousands of employees

2016-12-31 20:33:33来源: 站长之家

生产线上的富士康机器人 凤凰科技讯 北京时间12月31日消息,据外媒报道,富士康自动化技术发展委员会管理人员代佳鹏(Dai Jia-peng,音译)周五披露,公司计划分三个阶段减少中国大陆地区工厂...

Foxconn robots in production line Phoenix technologies - Beijing time on December 31, news, according to foreign media reports, foxconn management automation technology development committee generation Jia peng (Dai Jia peng, transliteration) revealed on Friday, the company plans to three phases to reduce factory located in mainland China...