新关注 > 信息聚合 > 今年春节怎么过?盘点70后80后90后过年方式


How did this Spring Festival? Inventory 70 after 80 after 90 after the Chinese New Year

2017-01-28 03:18:14来源: 新浪

春节是中国最隆重的传统节日,也是象征团结、兴旺、对未来寄予新希望的佳节。尽管时代在变迁,春节的形式也逐渐改变,但中国人对春节的期盼不会变,饱满的人情味也不会变。 今天是除夕,也是一年当中年味最浓...

The Spring Festival is China's most ceremonious traditional festival, is also a symbol of unity, prosperity and send to new hope for the future of the holiday. Although age in change, also gradually change the form of the Spring Festival, but the Chinese anticipation will not change for the Spring Festival, full of the milk of human kindness does not become. Today is New Year's eve, is also one of the festival atmosphere is the most strong year...