新关注 > 信息聚合 > AirPods供不应求 发货时间已延至年后

AirPods供不应求 发货时间已延至年后

AirPods in short supply The delivery time has been extended until years later

2016-12-31 20:33:33来源: IT168

【IT168 资讯】虽然苹果的AirPods 无线耳机一直延期到12月中旬才正式开卖,但这丝毫不掩用户对它的认可。目前消费者从苹果中国的在线商店中预购仍需等待 6 周左右的发货时间,基本上要到春节后...

Although apple AirPods IT168 information 】 【 wireless headset has been postponed until mid-december officially on sale, but this is no mask users recognition of it. Now consumers from the apple online store in China purchase in advance to still need to wait for about 6 weeks delivery time, basically want to after the Spring Festival...

标签: AI