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最专业便携相机 佳能G16促销购机送礼包

The most professional portable camera Canon G16 promotional purchase a gift package

2013-11-13 20:58:42来源: 太平洋电脑网

【PConline广州站行情】佳能PowerShot G系列是便携专业相机中的标杆,新款G16完美体现了这一标杆所具有的高度。佳能最新的DIGIC6影像处理器,12.2张/秒超高连拍速度,1210万像素所获得的的完美信噪比,都使它站在时代的前端!目前商家报价仅3280,感兴趣的朋友不妨多...

[PConline] PowerShot G series Canon Guangzhou Railway Station market is portable professional camera in the new G16 embodies the perfect benchmark, this benchmark has a height of. Canon latest DIGIC6 image processor, 12.2 / second ultra high frame rate, 12100000 pixels obtained perfect signal-to-noise ratio, make it stand in the front of the times! Now merchants offer only 3280, interested friends may wish to...